VB Converter™ for Visual Basic

Supported Features

(Swing and AWT mode)

Version 4.0

Copyright 1996-2009 Diamond Edge, Inc.

VB Converter is a trademark of Diamond Edge. Visual Basic is a trademark of Microsoft.

We are constantly adding support for more of the features of the Visual Basic language and libraries. We are committed to having the highest quality and most accurate Visual Basic to Java conversion tool available on the market. Any features you would like supported or any problems you notice should be emailed to . Snippets of code would be greatly appreciated and expedite the process of improving the conversion process.


Visual Basic Language

Visual Basic Objects and Controls

Database Objects

ADO Objects

DAO Objects

RDO Objects

Other Objects

Scripting Objects

MSXML Objects


The following are extensions which have been added. They will not work in VB but are there for convenience.

Optional Controls

Requires the purchase of the Diamond Control Suite. An evaluation version ships with the product.