The controls and objects described in this document must be purchased separately. They do not ship with the product.
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, BackColorFixed, BackColorSel, CellAlignment, CellBackColor, CellFontBold, CellFontItalic, CellFontName, CellFontSize, CellFontStrikeThrough, CellFontUnderline, CellForeColor, CellPicture, CellPictureAlignment, CellTextStyle, Col, ColAlignment, ColIsVisible, Cols, ColSel, ColWidth, Container, DataSource, Enabled, FixedCols, FixedRows, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, ForeColorFixed, ForeColorSel, GridColor, GridLines, Height, HighLight, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Row, RowHeightMin, Rows, RowSel, ScrollBars, SelectionMode, Sort, Tag, Text, TextArray, TextStyleFixed, ToolTipText, Top, TopRow, Visible, Width, WordWrap, | AllowBigSelection, AllowUserResizing, BackColorBkg, BorderStyle, CellFontWidth, CellHeight, CellLeft, CellTop, CellWidth, Clip, ColPos, FillStyle, FocusRect, FontWidth, FormatString, GridColorFixed, GridLinesFixed, GridLineWidth, LeftCol, MergeCells, MouseCol, MouseRow, Picture, PictureType, Redraw, RightToLeft, RowIsVisible, RowPos, ScrollTrack, TextStyle, Version |
Methods | AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Col, Cols, Container, Enabled, FixedCols, FixedRows, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, GridLines, HighLight, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Row, Rows, ScrollBars, SelStartRow, SelEndRow, SelStartCol, SelEndCol, Tag, Text, ToolTipText, Top, TopRow, Visible, Width | BorderStyle, CellSelected, Clip, FillStyle, GridLineWidth, LeftCol, Picture |
Methods | AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | ApproxCount, BackColor, Col, ColumnHeaders, Columns, DataSource, Enabled, Font, ForeColor, HeadFont, HeadLines, LeftCol, MarqueeStyle, Row, RowHeight, SelEndCol, SelStartCol, Text | AllowAddNew, AllowArrows, AllowDelete, AllowRowSizing, AllowUpdate, Appearance, Bookmark, BorderStyle, Caption, CurrentCellModified, CurrentCellVisible, DataChanged, DataMode, DefColWidth, EditActive, FirstRow, MarqueeUnique, RecordSelectors, RowDividerStyle, ScrollBars, SelBookmarks, SelLength, SelStart, SelText, Split, Splits, TabAcrossSplits, TabAction, WrapCellPointer |
Methods | Refresh | AboutBox, CaptureImage, ClearFields, ClearSelCols, ColContaining, GetBookmark, HoldFields, ReBind, RowBookmark, RowContaining, RowTop, Scroll, SplitContaining |
Events | Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, | AfterColEdit, AfterColUpdate, AfterDelete, AfterInsert, AfterUpdate, BeforeColEdit, BeforeColUpdate, BeforeDelete, BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate, ButtonClick, Change, ColEdit, ColResize, Error, HeadClick, OnAddNew, RowColChange, RowResize, Scroll, SelChange, SplitChange, UnboundAddData, UnboundDeleteRow, UnboundGetRelativeBookmark, UnboundReadData, UnboundWriteData |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Col, ColumnHeaders, Columns, DataSource, Enabled, Font, ForeColor, HeadFont, HeadLines, MarqueeStyle, Row, RowHeight, SelEndCol, SelStartCol, Text | AddNewMode, AllowAddNew, AllowArrows, AllowDelete, AllowRowSizing, AllowUpdate, Appearance, ApproxCount, Bookmark, BorderStyle, Caption, CurrentCellModified, CurrentCellVisible, DataChanged, DataFormats, DataMember, DefColWidth, EditActive, ErrorText, FirstRow, hWndEditor, LeftCol, RecordSelectors, RightToLeft, RowDividerStyle, ScrollBars, SelBookmarks, SelLength, SelStart, SelText, Split, Splits, TabAcrossSplits, TabAction, VisibleCols, VisibleRows, WrapCellPointer |
Methods | Refresh | CaptureImage, ClearFields, ClearSelCols, ColContaining, GetBookmark, HoldFields, ReBind, RowBookmark, RowContaining, RowTop, Scroll, SplitContaining |
Events | Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp | AfterColEdit, AfterColUpdate, AfterDelete, AfterInsert, AfterUpdate, BeforeColEdit, BeforeColUpdate, BeforeDelete, BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate, ButtonClick, Change, ColEdit, ColResize, Error, HeadClick, OnAddNew, RowColChange, RowResize, Scroll, SelChange, SplitChange |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | AllowSizing, Caption, DataField, DataFormat, Text, Value, Visible, Width | Alignment, Button, ColIndex, DataChanged, DividerStyle, DefaultValue, Left, Locked, NumberFormat, Top, WrapText |
Methods | CellText, CellValue | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count, Item | |
Methods | Add, Remove | |
Events |
There is limited support for Janus GridEX. All design-time property settings are lost due to them being stored in a proprietary format.
There is limited support for Farpoint Spread. All design-time property settings are lost due to them being stored in a proprietary format.