Optional Grid Controls

The controls and objects described in this document must be purchased separately. They do not ship with the product.

MSFlexGrid Control

  Supported Unsupported
Properties BackColor, BackColorFixed, BackColorSel, CellAlignment, CellBackColor, CellFontBold, CellFontItalic, CellFontName, CellFontSize, CellFontStrikeThrough, CellFontUnderline, CellForeColor, CellPicture, CellPictureAlignment, CellTextStyle, Col, ColAlignment, ColIsVisible, Cols, ColSel, ColWidth, Container, DataSource, Enabled, FixedCols, FixedRows, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, ForeColorFixed, ForeColorSel, GridColor, GridLines, Height, HighLight, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Row, RowHeightMin, Rows, RowSel, ScrollBars, SelectionMode, Sort, Tag, Text, TextArray, TextStyleFixed, ToolTipText, Top, TopRow, Visible, Width, WordWrap, AllowBigSelection, AllowUserResizing, BackColorBkg, BorderStyle, CellFontWidth, CellHeight, CellLeft, CellTop, CellWidth, Clip, ColPos, FillStyle, FocusRect, FontWidth, FormatString, GridColorFixed, GridLinesFixed, GridLineWidth, LeftCol, MergeCells, MouseCol, MouseRow, Picture, PictureType, Redraw, RightToLeft, RowIsVisible, RowPos, ScrollTrack, TextStyle, Version
Methods AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus  
Events Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp  
Support for VsFlexGrid is very similar.

Grid Control

  Supported Unsupported
Properties BackColor, Col, Cols, Container, Enabled, FixedCols, FixedRows, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, GridLines, HighLight, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Row, Rows, ScrollBars, SelStartRow, SelEndRow, SelStartCol, SelEndCol, Tag, Text, ToolTipText, Top, TopRow, Visible, Width BorderStyle, CellSelected, Clip, FillStyle, GridLineWidth, LeftCol, Picture
Methods AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus  
Events Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp  

DBGrid Control

  Supported Unsupported
Properties ApproxCount, BackColor, Col, ColumnHeaders, Columns, DataSource, Enabled, Font, ForeColor, HeadFont, HeadLines, LeftCol, MarqueeStyle, Row, RowHeight, SelEndCol, SelStartCol, Text AllowAddNew, AllowArrows, AllowDelete, AllowRowSizing, AllowUpdate, Appearance,  Bookmark, BorderStyle, Caption, CurrentCellModified, CurrentCellVisible, DataChanged, DataMode, DefColWidth, EditActive, FirstRow, MarqueeUnique, RecordSelectors, RowDividerStyle, ScrollBars, SelBookmarks, SelLength, SelStart, SelText, Split, Splits, TabAcrossSplits, TabAction, WrapCellPointer
Methods Refresh AboutBox, CaptureImage, ClearFields, ClearSelCols, ColContaining, GetBookmark, HoldFields, ReBind, RowBookmark, RowContaining, RowTop, Scroll, SplitContaining 
Events Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, AfterColEdit, AfterColUpdate, AfterDelete, AfterInsert, AfterUpdate, BeforeColEdit, BeforeColUpdate, BeforeDelete, BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate, ButtonClick, Change, ColEdit, ColResize, Error, HeadClick, OnAddNew, RowColChange, RowResize, Scroll, SelChange, SplitChange, UnboundAddData, UnboundDeleteRow, UnboundGetRelativeBookmark, UnboundReadData, UnboundWriteData 

DataGrid Control

  Supported Unsupported
Properties BackColor, Col, ColumnHeaders, Columns, DataSource, Enabled, Font, ForeColor, HeadFont, HeadLines, MarqueeStyle, Row, RowHeight, SelEndCol, SelStartCol, Text AddNewMode, AllowAddNew, AllowArrows, AllowDelete, AllowRowSizing, AllowUpdate, Appearance, ApproxCountBookmark, BorderStyle, Caption, CurrentCellModified, CurrentCellVisible, DataChanged, DataFormats, DataMember, DefColWidth, EditActive, ErrorText, FirstRow, hWndEditor, LeftCol, RecordSelectors, RightToLeft, RowDividerStyle, ScrollBars, SelBookmarks, SelLength, SelStart, SelText, Split, Splits, TabAcrossSplits, TabAction, VisibleCols, VisibleRows, WrapCellPointer
Methods Refresh CaptureImage, ClearFields, ClearSelCols, ColContaining, GetBookmark, HoldFields, ReBind, RowBookmark, RowContaining, RowTop, Scroll, SplitContaining 
Events Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp AfterColEdit, AfterColUpdate, AfterDelete, AfterInsert, AfterUpdate, BeforeColEdit, BeforeColUpdate, BeforeDelete, BeforeInsert, BeforeUpdate, ButtonClick, Change, ColEdit, ColResize, Error, HeadClick, OnAddNew, RowColChange, RowResize, Scroll, SelChange, SplitChange 

Column Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties AllowSizing, Caption, DataField, DataFormat, Text, Value, Visible, Width Alignment,  Button, ColIndex, DataChanged, DividerStyle, DefaultValue, Left, Locked, NumberFormat, Top, WrapText
Methods CellText, CellValue  

Columns Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties Count, Item  
Methods Add, Remove  

Janus GridEX Control

There is limited support for Janus GridEX. All design-time property settings are lost due to them being stored in a proprietary format.

Farpoint Spread Control

There is limited support for Farpoint Spread. All design-time property settings are lost due to them being stored in a proprietary format.