The controls and objects described in this document must be purchased separately. They do not ship with the product.
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Checkboxes, Container, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, ImageList, Index, Left, LineStyle, MousePointer, Name, Nodes, Parent, PathSeparator, Scroll, SelectedItem, SingleSel, Sorted, Style, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | DropHighlight, FullRowSelect, HideSelection, HotTracking, Indentation, LabelEdit, BorderStyle |
Methods | Move, Refresh, SetFocus | HitTest, GetVisibleCount, StartLabelEdit |
Events | Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp | AfterLabelEdit, BeforeLabelEdit |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count, Item | ControlDefault |
Methods | Add, Clear, Remove |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Bold, Checked, Child, Children, Expanded, ExpandedImage, FirstSibling, FullPath, Image, Key, LastSibling, Next, Previous, Root, Selected, SelectedImage, Sorted, Tag, Text | |
Methods | EnsureVisible | CreateDragImage |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Container, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Indent, Index, ItemData, Left, List, ListCount, ListIndex, MousePointer, Name, Parent, PathSeparator, Style, Tag, Text, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | BorderStyle, PictureClosed, PictureLeaf, PictureMinus, PictureOpen, PicturePlus, TopIndex |
Methods | AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | AllowColumnReorder, Appearance, BackColor, Checkboxes, ColumnHeaders, Enabled, Font, ForeColor, GridLines, HideColumnHeaders, HideSelection, Icons, ListItems, MouseIcon, MousePointer, MultiSelect, SelectedItem, SmallIcons, Sorted, SortKey, SortOrder, View | Arrange, BorderStyle, ColumnHeaderIcons, DropHighlight, FlatScrollBar, FullRowSelect, HotTracking, HoverSelection, LabelEdit, LabelWrap, Picture, PictureAlignment, TextBackground |
Methods | FindItem, GetFirstVisible, HitTest, Refresh | StartLabelEdit |
Events | Click, ColumnClick, DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, | AfterLabelEdit, BeforeLabelEdit, ItemCheck, ItemClick |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count, Item | |
Methods | Add, Clear, Remove | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Bold, Checked, ForeColor, Icon, Index, Key, ListSubItems, Selected, SmallIcon, SubItems, Tag, Text | Ghosted, Height, Left, ToolTipText, Top, Width |
Methods | EnsureVisible | CreateDragImage |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count, Item | |
Methods | Add, Clear, Remove | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Alignment, Icon, Index, Key, SubItemIndex, Text, Width | Left, Position, Tag |
Methods | ||
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count, Item | |
Methods | Add, Remove | Clear |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Bold, ForeColor, Index, Key, Tag, Text | ReportIcon, ToolTipText |
Methods | ||
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, CurrentGroup, CurrentGroupCaption, CurrentGroupKey, Enabled, Font, ForeColor, Groups, IconsLarge, IconsSmall, ListItems, MouseIcon, MousePointer, TagVariant | Alignment, BorderStyle, CaptionBackColor, CaptionFont, CaptionFont3D, CaptionForeColor, ClipboardFormat, DefaultIcon, DefaultStyle, Font3D, IconsLargeURL, IconsMaskColor, IconsSmallURL, IconsUseMask, OLEDragMode, OLEDropMode, Orientation, PictureBackground, PictureBackgroundMaskColor, PictureBackgroundStyle, PictureBackgroundURL, PictureBackgroundUseMask, TextTips |
Methods | GroupFromPosition, ListItemFromPosition, OLEDrag, PlaySoundFile, Refresh, WhereIs | |
Events | Click, DblClick, GroupClick, ListItemClick, MouseDown, MouseEnter, MouseExit, MouseMove, MouseUp | ListItemEnter, ListItemExit, OLECompleteDrag, OLEDragDrop, OLEDragOver, OLEGiveFeedback, OLESetData, OLEStartDrag |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Index, Key, Picture | |
Methods | ||
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count | |
Methods | Add, Clear, Item, Remove | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | ForeColor, Group, IconLarge, IconSmall, Key, TagVariant, Text | ForeColorSource, Index |
Methods | Rename | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count | |
Methods | Add, Clear, Item, Remove | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Caption, Font, ForeColor, Key, ListItems | Font3D, Index, PictureBackground, PictureBackgroundMaskColor, PictureBackgroundStyle, PictureBackgroundURL, PictureBackgroundUseMask, Style |
Methods | Rename | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count | |
Methods | Add, Item, Remove | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BytesReceived, LocalHostName, LocalIP, LocalPort, Protocol, RemoteHost, RemoteHostIP, RemotePort, State | SocketHandle |
Methods | Accept, Bind, Close, Connect, GetData, Listen, PeekData, SendData | |
Events | Close, Connect, ConnectionRequest, DataArrival, SendComplete, SendProgress | Error |
Notes: For byte arrays if you access the array in the same function you will need to declare 2 byte array variables.
The variable passed in to the GetData function is passed by reference and it is necessary that we change the data
type to a Variant. For example:
Dim btData() As Byte, b() As Byte
Winsock1(Index).GetData btData(), vbArray + vbByte, bytesToGet
b = btData
Text1 = b(0)
In Java, the variable btData will end up being of type Variant which holds the byte array. So assigning it to the
variable b will allow access to it as an array using the "()" operator. Also, the last argument to GetData
is ignored.
The ConnectionRequest event is called but the socket has already been Accept'ed. We did not have any control over
allowing a socket connection request to be rejected. So any connection request is automatically accepted and therefore
the Accept method does not do any thing.