Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Comments, CompanyName, EXEName, FileDescription, LegalCopyright, LegalTrademarks, Major, Minor, NonModalAllowed, Path, Revision, ProductName, Title | HelpFile, hInstance, LogMode, LogPath, OLE*, PrevInstance, StartMode, TaskVisible, ThreadID, UnattendedApp |
Methods | LogEvent, StartLogging |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | ||
Methods | Clear, GetFormat, GetText, SetText | GetData, SetData |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Count, Item | |
Methods | Add, Remove |
class ObjCollection extends UserCollection
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | ActiveControl, ActiveForm, BackColor, BorderStyle, Caption, Controls, CurrentX, CurrentY, Enabled, FillColor, FillStyle, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Icon, Left, MDIChild, MouseIcon, MousePointer, Name, Picture, ScaleHeight, ScaleLeft, ScaleMode, ScaleTop, ScaleWidth, StartUpPosition, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width, WindowState | Appearance, AutoRedraw, ClipControls, ControlBox, Count, DrawMode, DrawStyle, DrawWidth, HasDC, hDC, HelpContextID, hWnd, Image, KeyPreview, MaxButton, MinButton, Moveable, NegotiateMenus, NewEnum, Palette, PaletteMode, ShowInTaskbar, WhatsThisButton, WhatsThisHelp |
Methods | Circle, Cls, Hide, Line, Move, PrintForm, Refresh, Scale, ScaleX, ScaleY, SetFocus, Show, TextHeight, TextWidth | PaintPicture, Point, PopupMenu, PSet, WhatsThisMode |
Events | Activate, Click, DblClick, Deactivate, GotFocus, Initialize, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, Load, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, Paint, QueryUnload, Resize, Terminate, Unload | DragDrop, DragOver |
Dim lbl As Label
Set lbl = ActiveForm.ActiveControl
lbl.Caption = "hi" ' instead of ActiveForm.ActiveControl.Caption = "hi"
Dim frm as Form1
Set frm = ActiveForm
frm.Text1 = "hello" ' instead of ActiveForm.Text1 = "hello"
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | ActiveControl, ActiveForm, BackColor, Caption, Controls, Enabled, Height, Icon, Left, MouseIcon, MousePointer, Name, Picture, ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth, StartUpPosition, Tag, Top, Visible, Width, WindowState | Appearance, AutoShowChildren, Count, HelpContextID, hWnd, Moveable, RightToLeft, ScrollBars, WhatsThisHelp |
Methods | Hide, Move, SetFocus, Show | Arrange, PopupMenu, ValidateControls, WhatsThisMode, ZOrder |
Events | Activate, Click, DblClick, Deactivate, Initialize, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, Load, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, QueryUnload, Resize, Terminate, Unload | DragDrop, DragOver |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | ActiveControl, ActiveForm, FontCount, Fonts, Height, MouseIcon, MousePointer, TwipsPerPixelX, TwipsPerPixelY, Width | |
Methods |