Visual Basic Objects

App Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties Comments, CompanyName, EXEName, FileDescription, LegalCopyright, LegalTrademarks, Major, Minor, NonModalAllowed, Path, Revision, ProductName, Title HelpFile, hInstance, LogMode, LogPath, OLE*, PrevInstance, StartMode, TaskVisible, ThreadID, UnattendedApp
Methods   LogEvent, StartLogging

Clipboard Object

  Supported Unsupported
Methods Clear, GetFormat, GetText, SetText GetData, SetData

Collection Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties  Count, Item  
Methods Add, Remove  
Note: When you create user defined collection classes, you will need to add one line to the custom.vb2java file in the Rules directory. If the name of your user defined collection class is ObjCollection then add the following to custom.vb2java:

class ObjCollection extends UserCollection

Form Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties ActiveControl, ActiveForm, BackColor, BorderStyle, Caption, Controls, CurrentX, CurrentY, Enabled, FillColor, FillStyle, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Icon, Left, MDIChild, MouseIcon, MousePointer, Name, Picture, ScaleHeight, ScaleLeft, ScaleMode, ScaleTop, ScaleWidth, StartUpPosition, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width, WindowState Appearance, AutoRedraw, ClipControls, ControlBox, Count, DrawMode, DrawStyle, DrawWidth, HasDC, hDC, HelpContextID, hWnd, Image, KeyPreview, MaxButton, MinButton, Moveable, NegotiateMenus, NewEnum, Palette, PaletteMode, ShowInTaskbar, WhatsThisButton, WhatsThisHelp
Methods Circle, Cls, Hide, Line, Move, PrintForm, Refresh, Scale, ScaleX, ScaleY, SetFocus, Show, TextHeight, TextWidth PaintPicture, Point, PopupMenu, PSet, WhatsThisMode
Events Activate, Click, DblClick, Deactivate, GotFocus, Initialize, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, Load, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, Paint, QueryUnload, Resize, Terminate, Unload DragDrop, DragOver
Note: When using the ActiveForm and ActiveControl properties, if you accessing a property specific to one type of control or form you will need to modifiy your VB code slightly to elimnate an error when converting to Java. You must first set it to a variable of the proper type For example:

  Dim lbl As Label
  Set lbl = ActiveForm.ActiveControl
  lbl.Caption = "hi"	' instead of ActiveForm.ActiveControl.Caption = "hi"

  Dim frm as Form1
  Set frm = ActiveForm
  frm.Text1 = "hello"	' instead of ActiveForm.Text1 = "hello"

MDIForm Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties ActiveControl, ActiveForm, BackColor, Caption, Controls, Enabled, Height, Icon, Left, MouseIcon, MousePointer, Name, Picture, ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth, StartUpPosition, Tag, Top, Visible, Width, WindowState Appearance, AutoShowChildren, Count, HelpContextID, hWnd, Moveable, RightToLeft, ScrollBars, WhatsThisHelp
Methods Hide, Move, SetFocus, Show Arrange, PopupMenu, ValidateControls, WhatsThisMode, ZOrder
Events Activate, Click, DblClick, Deactivate, Initialize, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, Load, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, QueryUnload, Resize, Terminate, Unload DragDrop, DragOver

Screen Object

  Supported Unsupported
Properties ActiveControl, ActiveForm, FontCount, Fonts, Height, MouseIcon, MousePointer, TwipsPerPixelX, TwipsPerPixelY, Width  