Diamond Control SuiteThis Diamond Control Suite provides Java developers with many components that VB and Windows programmers typically depend on in their applications. Some of the components exist in Java but do not have same level of features as existed in VB and is provided by this suite. This suites fills that gap in providing those components or extending the builtin Java components with the missing features. The suite includes: Diamond Grid (DsGrid): Add grid and spreadsheet functionality to your Java applications. Diamond Grid is a data-aware drop-in replacement for JTable which provides full and easy formatting and styles for each cell, column, or row. For binding to databases, the ResultSetModel provides a scalable and high performance virtual view of up to 2 billion records from a JDBC ResultSet. The grid can also be used in unbound mode using the default data model. The data in the grid can be formatted, sorted, printed and edited using any of the models supplied or any user defined TableModel. Peruse the Diamond Grid Tutorial to get a feel for how powerful and easy to use this grid component is. More details. Diamond ListView (DsListView): Diamond ListView displays a collection of objects such as files or folders typically showing an icon and a description label. This is the typically the component used to display files in a file browser. However, it can be used anywhere a list of objects needs to be displayed. The list can be presented in several different views. Most view display an icon and a label describing the object. The DETAILS view displays multiple columns of data for each object. The string in column 0 of the DETAILS view is the same string as the label in the other views. More details. Diamond Tree (DsTree): DsTree is a drop-in replacement for JTree. It displays a hierarchical list of DsTreeNode objects, each of which consists of a label and an optional icon. The class extends JTree with more formatting and styles on individual TreeNodes and sorting. DsDatePicker: displays a drop down DsDateView to select a date visually using a calendar style component. The date can also be edited directly by typing into the date field. DsDateView: allows the user to select a date visually using a
calendar style display. The size of the component is based on the Font
used and it should be allowed to size automatically to its preferred size.
A panel at the bottom is optionally displayable to edit the time. DsComboBox: is a multi-column ComboBox which displays a collection of objects. The drop-down list can be formatted similar to a grid with the ability to set style properties on each cell independently or make each cell in a column share the same properties. DsLabel: Displays multiple lines of text and/or icon that a user can't change directly. It is a replacement to and uses the same API as JLabel. It breaks the text up into multiple lines when WordWrap is turned on. Many other additional features are available such as rotation, margins, text styles (3D and highlighting), built-in borders, and font underlining and strikethrough. DsLineBorder: A class which draws a line border on any/all of the sides with a particular line style (solid, dashed, dotted, etc.), line width, and Paint (Color, GradientPaint, etc.). This is similar to MatteBorder except it allows different line styles, textured and gradient painting, and separate colors for each side of the border. DsLine: DsLine allows any Java IDE to add lines to any container and manipulate it just as they would for any other component. DsShape: DsShape allows any Java IDE to add a shape (circle, rectangle, etc.) to any container and manipulate it just as they would for any other component. DsSocket: DsSocket is similar to the VB Winsock control which allows TCP/IP communication between two applications. The component causes the data events to show up as UI events so they can easily be tied into any UI application. DsSymbolButton: A standard JButton which has a symbol (such as those on a VCR) drawn on top of it. The symbols resize depending on the size of the button. You might also want to look a the documentation on-line. |