The following are unsupported in all controls:
Properties: Appearance, DragIcon, DragMode, FontStrikethru, FontUnderline, HelpContextID, hWnd, MouseIcon, TabStop, WhatsThisHelpID
Methods: Drag, DragDrop, DragOver, ShowWhatsThis, ZOrder
DDE and properties relating to DDE: LinkItem, LinkMode, LinkTimeout, LinkTopic and methods: LinkClose, LinkError, LinkExecute, LinkNotify, LinkOpen, LinkPoke, LinkRequest
OLE: OLECompleteDrag, OLEDragDrop, OLEDragOver, OLEGiveFeedback, OLESetData, and OLEStartDrag Events; OLEDragMode and OLEDropMode Properties, OLEDrag Method
Note: The properties in bold are unique properties for that control. The other properties are general to most controls.
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Alignment, BackColor, Caption, Container, DataField, DataSource, DisabledPicture, DownPicture, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Picture, Style, TabIndex, TabStop, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Value, Visible, Width | DataChanged, MaskColor, UseMaskColor |
Methods | Move, Refresh, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Container, DataField, DataSource, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, ItemData, Left, List, ListCount, ListIndex, Locked, MousePointer, Name, NewIndex, Parent, SelText, Style, TabIndex, TabStop, Tag, Text, ToolTipText, Top, TopIndex, Visible, Width | DataChanged, IntegralHeight, SelLength, SelStart, Sorted |
Methods | AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus | |
Events | Change, Click, DblClick, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, Scroll | DropDown |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Caption, Container, Default, DisabledPicture, DownPicture, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Picture, Style, TabIndex, TabStop, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Value, Visible, Width | Cancel, MaskColor, UseMaskColor |
Methods | Move, Refresh, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, BorderStyle, Caption, Container, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | ClipControls |
Methods | Move, Refresh | |
Events | Click, DblClick, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Container, Enabled, Height, Index, LargeChange, Left, Max, Min, MousePointer, Name, Parent, SmallChange, TabIndex, TabStop, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Value, Visible, Width | |
Methods | Move, Refresh, SetFocus | |
Events | Change, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, Scroll |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BorderStyle, Container, Enabled, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Picture, Stretch, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | DataChanged, DataField, DataSource |
Methods | Move, Refresh | |
Events | Click, DblClick, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Alignment, AutoSize, BackColor, BackStyle, BorderStyle*, Caption, Container, DataSource, DataField, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width, WordWrap | DataChanged, UseMnemonic |
Methods | Move, Refresh | |
Events | Change, Click, DblClick, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, Container, Index, Name, Parent, Tag, Visible, X1, X2, Y1, Y2 | DrawMode |
Methods | Move, Refresh | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, Container, DataField, DataSource, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, ItemData, Left, List, ListCount, ListIndex, MousePointer, MultiSelect, Name, NewIndex, Parent, SelCount, Selected, TabIndex, TabStop, Tag, ToolTipText, Text, Top, TopIndex, Visible, Width | Columns, DataChanged, IntegralHeight, Sorted, Style |
Methods | AddItem, Clear, Move, Refresh, RemoveItem, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, DblClick, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp | ItemCheck, Scroll |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Checked, Caption, Enabled, Index, Name, Parent, Tag, ToolTipText, Visible | NegotiatePosition, ShortCut, WindowList |
Methods | ||
Events | Click |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Alignment, BackColor, Caption, Container, DisabledPicture, DownPicture, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Picture, Style, TabIndex, TabStop, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Value, Visible, Width | MaskColor, UseMaskColor |
Methods | Move, Refresh, SetFocus | |
Events | Click, DblClick, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp | DragDrop, DragOver |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Appearance, BackColor, BorderStyle, Container, CurrentX, CurrentY, Enabled, FillColor, FillStyle, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, MousePointer, Name, Parent, Picture, ScaleHeight, ScaleLeft, ScaleMode, ScaleTop, ScaleWidth, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | Align, AutoRedraw, AutoSize, ClipControls, DataChanged, DataField, DataSource, DrawMode, DrawStyle, DrawWidth, Image, Negotiate |
Methods | Circle, Cls, Line, Move, PaintPicture, Point, Print, PSet, Refresh, Scale, ScaleX, ScaleY, SetFocus, TextHeight, TextWidth | |
Events | Change, Click, DblClick, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, Paint, Resize | DragDrop, DragOver |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | BackColor, BackStyle, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, Container, FillColor, FillStyle, Height, Index, Left, Name, Parent, Shape, Tag, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | DrawMode |
Methods | Move, Refresh | |
Events |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Alignment, BackColor, Container, DataField, DataSource, Enabled, Font, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, Locked, MaxLength, MousePointer, MultiLine(design-time), Name, Parent, PasswordChar, ReadOnly, ScrollBars, SelLength, SelStart, SelText, Tag, Text, ToolTipText, Top, Visible, Width | BorderStyle, DataChanged, HideSelection |
Methods | Move, Refresh, SetFocus | |
Events | Change, Click, DblClick, GotFocus, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp |
Supported | Unsupported | |
Properties | Enabled, Index, Interval, Left, Name, Parent, Tag, ToolTipText, Top | |
Methods | ||
Events | Timer |